Sample Projects
Bridge Design

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SR7 and Churchman's Road
This project was a new interchange at SR7 and Churchman's Road in New Castle County, Delaware. Included the design of two, two-span, pre-stressed concrete bridges (including seismic design of the piers and abutments); five retaining walls; and numerous overhead sign and miscellaneous structures.
Baltimore Beltway Widening
This unique design effort was a widening of the 620' long bridge that carries Bethlehem Boulevard over the Mud Flats (a wetlands), as part of the Baltimore Beltway Widening Project. The widening was accomplished using piers of an adjacent, parallel ramp structure that was abandoned. The piers were cut down to the height required, and fitted with new hammerhead caps.
Baltimore Beltway Bridge
This new bridge over Peninsula Expressway was part of the Baltimore Beltway Widening project. Construction of this bridge was very unique as we had to encapsulate three existing, aerial gas lines that had to remain active at all times. This was accomplished by simultaneously constructing a corrugated metal arch structure that passes through the bridge wing walls.
Columbia Park Road Bridge
This project featured the replacement and widening of the Columbia Park Road Bridge over three railroads (WMATA, CSXT and Amtrak). The design effort included new multi-column bent type piers; tie-back and other major modifications to the existing counterforted abutments and wing walls; and a complete new steel beam superstructure.
State Route 272 Bridge
This design effort was for the new State Route 272 bridge over Indian Creek in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. The new bridge is a 75' long, pre- stressed concrete, spread box beam bridge that was designed utilizing the new LRFD design method. Several different software packages were used to design the beams, bearings, and abutments.